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  • Writer's pictureSonia Salinas

Travel safe!

The Merkabah is an electromagnetic version of you and your vehicle to travel. It is part of your spiritual energy, reflecting on your mental and physical version of yourself, incarnated as a human on our beloved mother, Gaia. It is essential to know that the more you love yourself and others, the more you will remember. Beloved humans, you are exceptional. You are divine creation; your body has an ability to adjust within your conscious awareness into a higher state of awareness, for now in short periods.

Each day, focus on who you really are and let go of the drama of the 3D Third dimension and those controlling your mind through TV, cellphones News, etc. As you disconnect from this social media, your perception of reality will expand to incorporate multidimensional awareness of your divine being. You all as humans possess a multidimensional consciousness to travel; you must use your Merkabah to protect your human earth body. Once you understand the importance when your journey into the Merkabah energy, you will determine where you go, what you see, and how you get to communicate with, for now, you are capable of doing so through your dreams, remember your Merkabah energy is a reflection of you the Human.

Every thought, action, feeling, and experience of your human life creates energy; this is your Merkabah vehicle. Be patient; love yourself and others much more, without judgment or prejudice, and with all the unconditional love within your heart, you will journey safe and well. You will learn to be true to your innermost version of yourself as the light frequency with respect, honor, and Omni love. I wake up traveling on my Merkabah! I like to share this fantastic video I came across. It reminds me of my travels around the planets of our galaxy. Enjoyed many blessings from my heart to your heart. Follow the link;

Lichtmond-Distant Dream HD


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