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Greetings to all souls,

Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

Thou Mighty, Majestic Christ Power, now grown to Full Stature! We salute Thee by the Sign of the Heart and Head, accepting the Fullness of Thy Mighty Power made manifest in the hearts of all beings and the people of America. We accept the Fullness of the Light and Its bright Presence within the heart and mind of each one, surging forward with such intensity that It carries the courage and strength for everyone to make the needed conscious effort that will enable the "Mighty I AM Presence" to raise the atomic structure into its Full Ascension.

Blessings on Earth to all souls; fill your hearts with joy in this new day, which has marked the beginning of a new era of eternal glory, freedom, respect, compassion, and love for all beings on Earth, as per God's mighty love for all his creations, we welcome his legions of 120,000 Divine angels who had stormed the Earth in the early morning of November 15th. They are here to terminate the regressive, negative, evil beings as per God's Commands.

When God declared the end of wars, it was a warning to all those unrepairable humans that continue to kill; therefore, we had 120,000 arrivals last morning of what you would consider Divine angels. Their tasks are easy to protect the living. The battle between good and evil continues. Therefore, 120,000 Divine Angels have entered the Earth to protect each soul and free them from all evil attempting to take more souls. The angels are taking care of the regressive spawn of evil beings that continue killing on Earth. There will not be mercy for any of the evil that continues the genocide program, including poisoning the Earth in all its forms.

To give you an idea, the Angels are giving a choice to the non-reparable human generals and operatives who followed orders of the Rothschild families and controllers of many hostile groups of negative beings that want to continue the genocide in all its forms. They were asked to comply with the light and work in the restoration plan on Earth, allowing them to repent and choose the light. Just so far, 300,000 preferred not to, as many more will continue departing this world since the legions of light are here to clean up, so to speak, the evil that has ruled for millions of years.

Understand that there is not a punitive God described by the indoctrination programs worldwide. Instead, Sorce God, the almighty creator, sent his love and protection to all humans, ready to start anew tomorrow. Starting today, choose your new path. What is in the past is forgiving, yet you all have to forgive yourselves and all the wrongs in your life.

Three billion years ago, the Divine Mother Earth was ruled by evil; since the beginning, at one's incarnation, God assigned a guardian Angel to every human soul. A guardian angel is a Divine being from a higher density assigned to protect and guide a soul on Earth. However, due to the heavy programs of religious indoctrination, humanity disconnected their perception or belief in Angels from their hearts. Let peace be in your hearts to all those divine souls on Earth running on the hampster wheel. Today starts anew; the infinite mind of all is the womb of the Multiverse. All Angels are considered spiritual beings that are intermediate between God and humanity.

All angels guarded people and played a significant role. The belief is that guardian angels serve to protect all souls. Did you know that all Angels exist in the worlds above as a 'task' of God. They are an extension of God to produce effects in this world. Do not confuse yourselves with the principle that God watches over people, makes decisions directly, and communicates to their respective guardian soul personal guardian angel, "kind of having a bodyguard," but only when a person is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Did you know that all Angels on Earth wake up at 4:00 am, ready to assist those who understand their companionship and those who don't even believe in or acknowledge their Presence?

Have you ever experienced something sad happening around you to others that you witnessed without being affected, where nothing wrong happened to you perhaps more than once, and you call this a coincidence of not being your time to go?

It is because your guardian angel exists and has been taking care of you since the day you were born; your guardian angel is here to protect your soul and can not interfere with your decision to experience irrational actions and wrong decisions since these are the lessons you chose to experience and learned from a mistake or deeds one creates.

Many have ignored these magnificent beings; let me share how they communicate with anyone who wishes to experience their Presence. It sounds like a gentle romantic language that whispers to you—a voice like a feeling of genuine love, tender and kind in every word. Innocent and pure; their words feel like they speak to your heart when they download their messages. It is a sound that your heart's intelligence recognizes since there is no language but a pure sound vibration. They don't speak words, but you can translate frequencies from one's unconditional heart in due time.

It feels like a tonic for the soul, a healing sound, a traveling through time and space, and a trance. Kind of when you intend to manifest anything in your life, recognizing that nothing truly exists "outside of you." Everything is within you. It is the embodiment of the observer effect in quantum physics: Observing something that actually changes its state when you change your perception; you change the entire fabric of the universe. What you understand as quantum leaps are nothing more or less than radical and sudden alterations in the perspective of one's reality.

Perhaps you may have heard that the Guardian Angels are sent back and forth as emissaries to aid in any task one heart requests. When you ask, you will receive your Guardian Angel, who will communicate if you open your heart to hear, and it is with you during your life. The relationship with your guardian Angel goes beyond comprehension. If the following resonates in your heart, pray to the angels because they are here helping every soul on Earth. Remember that everyone has their guardian angel. With heartfelt, repeat this short prayer.

Beloved angels,

We ask for your help now because it is time to regain our freedom and light up our souls and hearts with the true Power of God. We ask you, angels, to pass through every human soul and protect us with your Power and wisdom so that our thoughts and consciousness become one with yours and God's. At the end of time, we pray for you, angels, to give us your infinite strength, which will merge in our hearts, for this we pray, and so it is.

Thou Mighty, Majestic Christ Power, now grown to Full Stature! We salute Thee by the Sign of the Heart and Head, accepting the Fullness of Thy Mighty Power made manifest in the hearts of all beings and of the people of America. We accept the Fullness of the Light and Its bright Presence within the heart and mind of each one, surging forward with such intensity that It carries the courage and strength for everyone to make the needed conscious effort that will enable the "Mighty I AM Presence" to raise the atomic structure into its Full Ascension.

A message from Jesus to you all,

I bring you Love and Salutations from many of the Ascended Hosts—some of whom you know, and Others of whom you are yet to know." 'I AM' the Light, the Way, and the Truth" is the Christmas Bell that is still ringing throughout the field of Cosmic Activity. In the understanding that has been brought to you in the meaning and Power of the Words "I AM," you will find a Charmed Circle in which you may move untouched by human, discordant operation. It is not only a matter of knowing the Presence but in practicing the Presence in even the simplest activity; for as you attempt an unfamiliar experience, you many times feel timid and uncertain, but as you learn to use the "I AM" in the solving of your desire or problem, you find growing a confidence that you can apply with a definite assurance.


Blessings, peace, and love within you all!



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