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Divine Beings, Divine Intelligence,

Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

What is Karma,

karma: [ˈkərmə] ( listen); Pali: kamma; Hindi: कर्म, translit. karm) means action, work, or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).

To hurt or devalue life is no one right, regardless of how big or small, human or not, could be. I like to share this beautiful spider doing what she knows better to do on her life cycle, getting ready to feed her little ones; suddenly, I feel honored to see this amazing moment. Later on, when I put the pictures on their file, I noticed this extraordinary divine intelligence.

One must consider that we all are part of this beautiful planet earth. What seems ugly or disgusting to many is only part of ONE self subconscious mind programmed to feel this way about life and situations. Some people may see a spider and kill it; some like me celebrate this human connection; how ONE could kill a tiny, helpless being when we all are part of the microcosmos as well, all that is has the Divine right to be here right now regardless of the circumstances, regardless of its appearance.

Many ignore that there are parts of yourself going on at different realities of time and space and even on other foreign planets in the cosmos. You would be surprised to know and maybe frightened of the appearance you have chosen to portray wherever you exist in time and space. Many handsome people have proved to be the more frightening beings, just as others may call the ugliest person becomes a loving Heart. As for this, probable reality could be a frightening experience to see yourself the way you choose to look at whatever dimension you are going on right now.

Now, the point is that when a person labels things and even demise them, ONE creates a low vibration in ONE personal field. When allowing your heart and mind to become one peaceful unit without the ego, the label of anything disappears from your thoughts.

Then you had made a clear conscious choice; for example, a spider always would be a spider; you cannot say that the spider is beautiful or is ugly because everything is made of the light of the Creator of all beings and consciousness. To understand absolute love, allow all your thoughts to enter ONE’s Heart and brain consciousness unaltered by labels or expectations or ego and judgment. Every time ONE judges, ONE thought creates that vibration.

When you divide your thoughts into a positive or negative reaction, you have altered them into a low or higher vibrational frequency value. Instead, practice unconditional love regardless of the appearance of a thing or an individual. This process is how ONE has elevated consciousness and honored ONEself with all around you.

The idea of experiencing other beings from other planets is to understand that you could be one of them going on at different times and spaces.

As I enjoyed watching this fantastic spider, I decided to take a picture and see a close-up of what appeared as downloaded the picture on my files; look at the center of the spider. A divine being, intelligence, was there watching me

In the second picture, ONE can see the divine intelligent being watching, yes! The first picture is looking forward, and you can see the eye's iris on the second picture looking into her left. And just when you are present to the present and observe the divine connection to all, you would be able to experience a now different reality other than just texting on the cell phone without noticing other realities around you.

I am you, you are me, I am everything, and everything is me, we are ONE.

When trusting and allowing ONEself to be and go beyond everyday experiences; when ONE understands the reason to be here; ONE accepts that ONE is ALL. And not by judging or disliking yourself or others will you understand that we are all components of a more excellent UNIT going at different stages of perfection, the one self-expression of the ONE.

Understand your abilities to befriend another time and space of the 5D (fifth dimension). Or beings from afar a galaxy, that is why you must open your Heart and mind to be able to change ONE way of thinking in striving to become greater than ONE already IS each day. You all are here, right now, creating new realities for ONEself and others because we are all ONE, including the planets and galaxies in the Multiverse. We are one!

As I put away this message, synchronicity brought into my space something perhaps would make more sense to share from the perspective of a wonderful Andromedian incarnated as a human being.

Listen carefully, make your own conclusions, open your mind, and love yourself immensely always. Understand the importance of why as incarnated humans should be together, working for one-course UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS AND FREEDOM from those controlling Earth. Trust in your heart intelligence vibration; at all times when something doesn't feel right, just don't do it.

erased from youtube :(

Trust in your heart intelligence vibration, at all times when something doesn't feel right just don't do it. Thank you for listening dear hearts,


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